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Welcome to Frida

Frida is DTU Foods public food database, use the menu to see food lists or search field to search for food in Frida.

The latest revision of the Frida database is 5.3, which was released on 2024-11-30.

Copyright notice

By any use of data from frida.fooddata.dk (also known as the food database) you must credit upon each display or use of data.


  • Food data (frida.fooddata.dk), version 5.3, 2024, National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark
  • Food data made available by National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark (frida.fooddata.dk)

© 2025 - National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Research Group for Nutrition, Sustainability and Health Promotion, Building 201, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby