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National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark intends to facilitate the citizens’ access to information about the composition of the foods that we eat in Denmark. We aim to ensure that the information is as accurate and up-to-date as possible. We intend to correct any possible errors, that are brought to our intention.

It is evident that updating and maintaining a food database requires numerous resources both financial and time wise, and analyses for nutritional food composition are costly. We gather data from other food databases of other countries as a supplement to evolve the database. Therefore, the National Food Institute cannot provide guarantees regarding the accuracy, order, timeliness or completeness of the data found in the food database. Nevertheless, we ensure that we try our best to give a picture of the Danish food market and their nutritional composition.

The National Food Institute also takes no responsibility for the presented data and their later application, even if found from other sources or food databases. No liability can be claimed, neither for direct nor indirect loss e.g. operation loss or loss of profit.

The information and data presented in this website and the work behind it is solely intended for general information.

© 2025 - National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Research Group for Nutrition, Sustainability and Health Promotion, Building 201, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby