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Food ID: 1588
Kiks, dobbelte, hvede, søde Danish
Biscuit, double, wheat, sweet
Macro nutrients etc. Cont. /100g Unit Median Variation No. Samples Source
Energy (kJ) 2019 kJ 1003
Energy, labelling (kJ) 1978 kJ 1003
Energy (kcal) 481 kcal 1003
Energy, labelling (kcal) 471 kcal 1003
Protein 5.7 g 5.871 3.99 - 6.38 10 1962
Protein, labeling 6.2 g 6.437 4.37 - 7 10 1962
Carbohydrate by difference 71.4 g 1003
Available carbohydrates 69.1 g 1003
Available carbohydrate, labelling 66.1 g 1003
Dietary fibre 2.2 g 2.35 1.2 - 2.9 10 1962
Fat 19.7 g 18.65 15.9 - 24.1 10 1962
Alcohol 0.0 g 1655
Salt labelling 0.49 g 10 1003
Ash 1.0 g 1.06 0.41 - 1.46 10 1962
Dry matter 97.8 g 97.85 96.9 - 98.7 10 1962
Water 2.2 g 2.15 1.3 - 3.1 10 1962
Minerals and inorganic Cont. /100g Unit Median Variation No. Samples Source
Sodium 197 mg 182.5 76 - 319 10 1962
Chloride 229 mg 235.5 166 - 267 10 1962
Sum minerals 426 mg 1003
Carbohydrates Cont. /100g Unit Median Variation No. Samples Source
Fructose 0.214 g 0.094 0.032 - 0.83 10 1962
Glucose 1.55 g 0.336 0.062 - 11.3 10 1962
Sum monosaccharides 1.77 g 1003
Lactose 2.18 g 1.465 0.05 - 6.9 10 1962
Maltose 0.882 g 0.94 0.103 - 1.47 10 1962
Sucrose 26.9 g 28.45 18.3 - 32 10 1962
Sum disaccharides 30.0 g 1003
Sum sugars 31.7 g 1003
Dietary fibre and starch Cont. /100g Unit Median Variation No. Samples Source
Starch/Glycogen 34.4 g 32.9 29.6 - 46 10 1962
Saturated fatty acids g/100g % Source
C4:0 0.000 0.0 1962
C6:0 0.022 0.122 1962
C8:0 0.600 3.31 1962
C10:0 0.455 2.51 1962
C12:0 3.690 20.3 1962
C14:0 1.432 7.91 1962
C15:0 0.000 0.0 1962
C16:0 5.110 28.2 1962
C17:0 0.000 0.0 1962
C18:0 1.409 7.78 1962
C20:0 0.005 0.0292 1962
C22:0 0.000 0.0 1962
C24:0 0.000 0.0 1962
Monounsaturated fatty acids g/100g % Source
C14:1,n-5 0.000 0.0 1962
C16:1,n-7 0.000 0.0 1962
C17:1,n-7 0.000 0.0 1962
C18:1,n-7 0.049 0.267 1962
C18:1,n-9 3.905 21.5 1962
C20:1,n-11 0.000 0.0 1962
C22:1,n-9 0.000 0.0 1962
C22:1,n-11 0.000 0.0 1962
C24:1,n-9 0.000 0.0 1962
C16:1,n-7,trans 0.000 0.0 1962
C18:1,trans 0.080 0.44 1962
C20:1,trans 0.000 0.0 1962
C22:1,trans 0.000 0.0 1962
Polyunsaturated fatty acids g/100g % Source
C18:2,n-6 1.276 7.04 1962
C18:2,conjugated 0.000 0.0 1962
C18:3,n-3 0.040 0.221 1962
C18:3,n-6 0.000 0.0 1962
C18:4,n-3 0.000 0.0 1962
C20:2,n-6 0.000 0.0 1962
C20:4,n-3 0.000 0.0 1962
C20:4,n-6 0.000 0.0 1962
C20:5,n-3 0.000 0.0 1962
C22:5,n-3 0.000 0.0 1962
C22:6,n-3 0.000 0.0 1962
C18:2,trans 0.036 0.196 1962
Fatty acids sums g/100g % Source
Other fatty acids 0.000 0.0 1962
Sum saturated fatty acids 12.725 70.2 1003
Sum monounsaturated fatty acids 3.954 21.8 1003
Sum polyunsaturated fatty acids 1.316 7.26 1003
Sum trans fatty acids 0.115 0.636 1003
Sum fatty acids 18.109 100 1003
Sum n-3 fatty acids 0.040 0.221 1003
Sum n-6 fatty acids 1.276 7.04 1003
Amino acids mg/100g mg/g Nitrogen Source
Nitrogen 0.998 1962
Factors etc. Value No. Samples Source
Waste 0 1655
Nitrogen conversion factor 5.70 2007
Fatty acid conversion factor 0.919 1003

© 2025 - National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Research Group for Nutrition, Sustainability and Health Promotion, Building 201, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby